WEEK 4: Primary and Secondary action

In week 4 we looked at primary and secondry action. The concept of an object doing a main movement whilst also incorporating another one simultaniously. This was a build up of the exercises we did last week and we were asked to create an animated sequence that started off with just a sequence of a ball. 

Primary object keyframes 

Here is the map for the primary motion of the object, I wanted to animate a ghost so it flies up looks left  and right then floats off screen.

Primary and secondary action keyframes

I then added lines to show the secondary action of the object. The idea of the action is the ghostly body hangs over the inital ball object but I think thats exaggerating it a bit as the movements of the ghost body aren't fluid enough as to reflect this. However I continued on becuase I thought there was a big enough variety of action from the ghost to consider it more than just primary action.

Final line work

There was a moment here while doing the inbetweens that I realised I was mapping out the animation to be rendered into 6 FPS rather than 12 fps. I would have left it as is and hoped noone would notice but I decided to give up on that and double the frame count and draw alot more frames.

Final animation

Here's the final animation. In the end I decided to add a glow effect to the ghost by using gaussian blur and I'm really happy with the results. The are some movements in the animatio that do look a bit rigid and I'd go back and change now, especially the bit where it rises but overall I am happy with the movement 
depicted in it. 

